Thursday, September 24, 2015

AP Lit 9/24-10/1

Thursday 9/24: Device warm up, "The Garden Party" quiz, discussion.
HOMEWORK: Statement of Purpose 9/28, HTRLLAP response paper due 9/29

Friday 9/25: no class

Monday 9/28: Statement of Purpose due. Voice Lessons. Synthesis essay review. Boot camp overview. Bedford texts.
HOMEWORK: HTRLLAP paper due 9/29, Research paper due 1/4, initiative ongoing

Tuesday 9/29: 1/2 day--HTRLLAP paper due, Device warm up. Boot Camp plot lesson, Response Paper review
HOMEWORK: Read and annotate plot stories, research paper due 1/4, initiative ongoing

Wednesday 9/30: Voice lessons, seminar
HOMEWORK: Plot essay draft,  research paper due 1/4, initiative ongoing