Tuesday 9/8: Intro to class, syllabus, Remind directions, free write activity.
HOMEWORK: Summer reading
Wednesday 9/9: No class
Thursday 9/10: Summer Reading Exam 1 (Q3), College Essay due Monday, HTRLLAP Presentations/groups
HOMEWORK: College Essay, HTRLLAP presentations
Friday 9/11: Device warm up, Senior Project information, Thematic group work NLMG/Frank
HOMEWORK: College essay, senior project, HTRLLAP
Monday 9/14: College Essay due, Voice Lessons, Frank/NLMG thematic work cont.
HOMEWORK: Senior Project, HTRLLAP, Summer reading essay--Thesis, DIs
Tuesday 9/15: Device warm up, drafting/conferencing summer reading essay.
HOMEWORK: HTRLLAP, Senior Project, rough draft of summer reading essay for tomorrow.