Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Frosh 9/16-9/23

Wednesday 9/16: Check HW (annotations), continue reading and annotating "The Most Dangerous Game"
HOMEWORK: Finish reading/annotating.

Thursday 9/17: Check/Share annotations. Reading guide.
HOMEWORK: Finish reading guide.

Friday 9/18: Check annotations and reading guide. "Game" ORQ.
HOMEWORK: Read and annotate "The First Betrayal."

Monday 9/21: Check annotations. LTF Style analysis #2-3 after reviewing prompt.
HOMEWORK: Activity 4

Tuesday 9/22: Check #4, complete 5-7

Wednesday 9/23: Collect #8. Poe vocabulary, read and annotate Poe biography.
HOMEWORK: Vocabulary, finish annotations and write two seminar questions.