Friday 10/30: Metamorphosis questions Part III.
HOMEWORK: Final boot camp stories for Tuesday, read "To Max Brod" p.978 and answer questions p. 980. Research paper 1/4 and initiative.
Monday 11/2: no class
Tuesday 11/3: Device warm up. Final boot camp seminar. Discuss Metamorphosis HW.
HOMEWORK; Final boot camp response paper (Wednesday). Revise one response paper (Thursday). Research paper 1/4 and initiative.
Wednesday 11/4: Final boot camp paper due. Q2 practice
HOMEWORK: Revise one response paper (Thursday). Read "To Kurt Wolff", "From Kafka." Research paper 1/4 and initiative.
Thursday 11/5: Boot Camp test.
HOMEWORK: Read Kuper. Research paper 1/4 and initiative. Seminar tomorrow.
Friday 11/6: Voice Lessons. Discuss all things KAFKA.
HOMEWORK: Read Shea/Kuper interview. Craft thesis based on prompt 2 on pg. 1018. Research paper 1/4 and initiative.